BORG29 Foodhall

individual. unifying. marvelous. masterly.

Perfect for individualists who want to spend time together as friends or family with different tastes. The BORG29 Foodhall unites eight fine restaurants under one roof.

The interior was designed by HAF Studio, which uses black wall paint to create a latently intimate atmosphere. The individual restaurants, meanwhile, each have their own individual design and yet manage the feat of aesthetic coexistence with a harmonious end result.

The Foodhall is very popular with the local population. This also has to do with the magnificent view of the sea and Mount Esja.

Chef Axel Clausen’s restaurant Umami, who has taken part in cooking championships for Iceland in the national team

Interior Design

HAF Studio


Custom made by HAF Studio

BORG29 Foodhall

Borgartún 29, 105 Reykjavík