b’mine Hotel Frankfurt Aiport

design strong. futuristic. mobile. spectacular.
BAR HOTEL Restaurant

A hotel near the airport quickly gives the impression of being a pragmatic solution for business trips. Quite different: the b’mine Hotel Frankfurt Aiport in the new Gateway Gardens district.

The stylish hotel, furnished exclusively with custom-made furniture, invites you to do more than just a short stopover. Not only for the guests themselves, but also for their cars. Thanks to a so-called car loft concept, you can practically take your own car to your room via an outside elevator, and there is a covered parking space on the balcony.

For some, this alone might make them feel at home. Others might appreciate the fully upholstered bed alcove located directly in front of the panoramic window, which can be transformed into a secluded retreat with the help of functionally placed curtains.

The bar-restaurant The Roof on the 12th floor entices guests with fusion cuisine, fancy drinks and a spectacular view of the airport runway on one side and the unique skyline above Frankfurt city center on the other.

On the 13th floor there is a spacious penthouse (the Skyloft), which can be rented as an apartment for longer stays or for meetings in a more private setting

Interior Design

Geplan Design, Cord and Rolf Glantz


Rolf Benz

b’mine Hotel Frankfurt Aiport

Georg-Baumgarten- Straße 1, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, www.bmine.de