Everybody's Darling

all-day. straightforward. dapper. reduced.
BAR Restaurant
PHOTO: Mato Johannik

From breakfast to cocktails: Everybody’s Darling provides great service all day long.

The menu of the place on the Tuchlauben is straightforward but classy (Beef tatar! Raspberry gratin!), the color and material spectrum in the interior is dapper and reduced: Travertin, glass, wood and textiles in muted colors dominate the room.

The pendulum lamp above the counter was designed by Bocci is an eye catcher – and a unique piece.

See and be seen is more refined than usually in this bar custom made of 350 glass prisms.

Interior Design

The Black Square


Rubelli, Jab Anstoetz, Designers Guild, Dedar, Minotti, Bocci, Kristalia, Tacchini, Arte International

Everybody's Darling

Tuchlauben22, Wien